Centennial climate evolution strongly correlates with the solar activity proxies before the anthropogenically driven contemporary era. However, this correlation has not yet been proven or disproven . . .
Centennial climate evolution strongly correlates with the solar activity proxies before the anthropogenically driven contemporary era. However, this correlation has not yet been proven or disproven . . .
Geomag Field and Environmental Crisis Occurrence (GECO): The environmental crisis circa 42000 years ago has been discovered from the paleo archives and might be caused by the enhanced ionization rate . . .
Volcanic activity and solar variability are the most important natural climate forcings and were the dominant drivers of climate variability in the pre-industrial era. Nowadays, they still play an important . . .
Exploring the chemical and climatic impacts of Solid Particles for stratospheric solar Geoengineering (SolParGeo): Recent studies have shown that gaseous SO2 injection entails several drawbacks, such as . . .
Quantifying past, present and future Stratospheric and Tropospheric Ozone over the Alps and Europe (STOA): Modelling of the ozone evolution has achieved substantial progress over the last decades . . .
Die Klimagruppe des PMOD/WRC untersucht natürliche und anthropogene Einflüsse auf die Erdatmosphäre, die Ozonschicht und das Klima in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft anhand numerischer Modelle und Beobachtungen. Das Verständnis, wie sich das Klima aufgrund des natürlichen Einflusses verändert, einschließlich Schwankungen der solaren Bestrahlungsstärke und Vulkanausbrüche, kann dazu beitragen, Vorhersagen zum Klimamodell zu verbessern und den Grad menschlicher Einflussnahme auf das Klima zu ermitteln.
For further information please contact: Dr. T. Sukhodolov