The World Infrared Standard Group (WISG) of pyrgeometers was established in 2004 as an interim reference for atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation.
The World Infrared Standard Group (WISG) of pyrgeometers was established in 2004 as an interim reference for atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation.
The Infrared Integrated Sphere Radiometer (IRIS) was developed and built by PMOD/WRC, and has been designed as a new reference radiometer to measure . . .
The IR Section at PMOD/WRC have organised a number of instrument intercomparison campaigns, notably the International Pyrgeometer Comparisons (IPgC).
The Infrared Radiometry (IRS) Section maintains and operates the World Standard Group of Pyrgeometers (WISG) which represents the interim reference for infrared radiation measurements.
The IRS Section was established in January 2004 at the PMOD/WRC following the recommendation of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) at the 13th session in Bratislava (2002; Recommendation 1, CIMO-XIII). IRS has established an interim WMO Pyrgeometer Infrared Reference using the procedures and instrumentation that make up the World Infrared Standard Group of Pyrgeometers (WISG). IRS holds the global infrared radiation reference and as such defines the longwave infrared scale to which all longwave infrared radiation measurements should be traced. The role of the IRS is to disseminate this scale to the worldwide community either by individual instrument calibrations at the PMOD/WRC, or preferably through the creation of regional calibration centers which are themselves traceable to the IRS.