Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO)

QA4EO, provides guidance on the quality assurance of Earth Observation data, and is concerned with:

  • Working with experts in the various Earth Observation communities to harmonise best practices in their respective areas.
  • Cataloguing, advertising and disseminating best practice across all levels and scales.
  • Providing top-level QA guidance to all GEO communities.

Work Package 1: SI-Traceable System Development


  • Operate ozone measuring instruments at PMOD/WRC to retrieve the total ozone column (TOC) from direct spectral solar UV irradiance measurements. The approach builds upon the work initiated in the EMRP ATMOZ project. The solar UV spectra measured with QASUME are traceable to SI with an expanded uncertainty of 2% (CMC submitted to the KCDB of BIPM).
  • Develop a method to obtain fully traceable TOC measurements from SI-traceable solar UV radiation measurements.


Work Package 2: Ground-Based Instrument Calibration


  • Laboratory characterisation at PMOD/WRC of one reference PFR for normalised spectral filter response and absolute irradiance calibration traceable to SI.
  • Laboratory characterisation at PMOD/WRC of a master CIMEL from Aeronet Europe, in collaboration with the Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (LOA), University of Lille, France, for field-of-view (FOV), normalised spectral filter response and absolute irradiance calibration traceable to SI.
  • Participation in a field-campaign at the Observatoire Haute Provence (OHP), France, to provide traceability of AOD measurements to the WMO GAW AOD reference triad operated by PMOD/WRC. The AOD retrieved by PSR, PFR and CIMEL will be evaluated using fully traceable solar irradiance measurements and comparison to the standard (Langley-based) technique.

For further information please contact: Dr. Julian Gröbner