The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) is a regional observing system for long-term measurements in and around Svalbard addressing Earth System Science questions. SIOS integrates the existing distributed observational infrastructure and generates added value for all partners beyond what their individual capacities can provide.
SIOS brings observations together into a coherent and integrated observational programme that will be sustained over a long period. Within SIOS, researchers can cooperate to access instruments, acquire data and address questions that would not be practical or cost effective for a single institution or nation alone. By bringing many types of observations together and asking questions about how these are influenced by each other, SIOS generates new insights about the role of the Svalbard region in the Earth system.
Thus, SIOS offers unique opportunities for research and the long-term acquisition of fundamental knowledge about global environmental change. SIOS focuses on processes and their interactions between the different spheres, i.e. biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere. The core observational programme of SIOS provides the research community with systematic observations that are sustained over time, yet dynamic enough to be adapted as new methods and questions from society appear.
PMODWRC is participating in SIOS through our solar and Lunar PFR instruments. Further details about the Lunar PFR measurement programme can be found here.