
    (*required fields)

    Name of Institution/Company/Independent*


    Contact person

    Last name*

    First name*

    Email address*

    Pyrgeometer Details

    Instrument manufacturer. (e.g., K&Z, Eppley, Hukseflux, EKO, etc)

    Instrument model

    Instrument serial number

    Select body thermistor


    Dome thermistor?


    In case of Eppley PIR, is it a modified PIR with 3 dome thermistors?

    Not applicableYesNo

    Instruments will be placed by default in PMOD/WRC ventilation units or will you use your own?

    PMOD/WRC unitOwn unit: 12 VDCOwn unit: 24 VDCother

    Please note that your pyrgeometer cable must be brought to the IPgC and have a length of at least 10 m. Please confirm. If "No", please give details in the "Questions or Comments" box, at the end of this form.


    If "Yes" to the above question, please provide the cable color coding

    (Example reply: red=X; blue=Y; green=Z; grey=A; black=B; white=C)

    By default, the pyrgeometers will be connected to the PMOD/WRC data acquisition system. We highly recommend this option. If you provide your own data acquisition system (not advised), please list your requirements (power, outdoor/indoor installation, computer connection) in the "Questions and Comments" box at the end of this form.

    PMOD/WRC DAQ systemOwn DAQ system

    Questions or Comments?