(*required fields)
Name of Institution/Company/Independent*
Contact person
Last name*
First name*
Email address*
1. General data
Instrument type*
Instrument manufacturer*
Instrument model*
Instrument serial number*
Calibration factor currently in use*
Date of last calibration (
Place of last calibration
2. History of IPC and RPC results
IPC-I (1959), WRR factor =
IPC-II (1964), WRR factor =
IPC-III (1970), WRR factor =
IPC-IV (1975), WRR factor =
IPC-V (1980), WRR factor =
IPC-VI (1985), WRR factor =
IPC-VII (1990), WRR factor =
IPC-VIII (1995), WRR factor =
IPC-IX (2000), WRR factor =
IPC-X (2005), WRR factor =
IPC-XI (2010), WRR factor =
IPC-XII (2015), WRR factor =
IPC-XIII (2021), WRR factor =
RPC, value =
Other, value =
Remarks (repairs, calibrations, etc)
3. View-limiting geometry. Please fill in all applicable dimensions according to the sketches.
Parameters: (Please use this format: "R = ?, r = ?, l = ?, V = ?, W = ?, X = ?, Y = ?, l = ?")
4. Type of operation and formula to calculate intensity
a) Describe mode of operation
b) Formula to calculate intensity, definition of terms and numerical values of constants
c) Description of values you will enter in the data acquisition system (Please use this format: "text, text, text")
d) Timing scheme (c = closed state; o = open state)
Angstrom typePACRAD (HF)Active (PMO6)
5. Characterisation
Has this particular instrument been characterised i.e. determination of the deviations from ideal behaviour?
If "yes", please answer the following questions, if "no" continue with paragraph g) and give only an estimated uncertainty.
a) Area of aperture = A (mm2)
Upper limit (e.g., "25.5")
Lower limit (e.g., "24.5")
Method of determination
b) Cavity reflectance = ER
Upper limit
Lower limit
c) Difference in response between radiation and electrical heating = EHE
(non-equivalence, e.g. different temperature distribution in the cavity, resistance of black coating, aperture heating, etc).
d) Influence of diffraction and straylight in view-limiting device = EST
e) Lead heating = ELE
f) Any further deviations if applicable
g) Summary of error analysis (values in Wm-2 at 1000 Wm-2 irradiance level)
Summary of uncertainties: rms =
a) Voltmeter
Type of instrument
Digital voltmeterMoving coil instrument
Serial number
Accuracy (% full scale)
Resolution (% full scale)
Temperature coefficient (% K-1)
Input impedance (Ohm)
Standard resistor (Ohm)
b) Null detector
Full-scale range normally used
Drift with temperature (V/K)
Drift after warm-up (V/10 min)
1) Power requirements
Whenever possible, please set all your equipment to accept the Swiss AC mains power (230 V, 50 Hz). Upon request, each measuring place can be supplied with the following power:
AC: 115 V, 50 Hz; 115 V, 60 Hz DC: 6 V regulated and 2 V regulated
To plan the power distribution, we need the following information for each instrument:
Item, Voltage (V, Hz), Power (W), Remarks
The workspace on the tables is 1 x 0.75 m2, with an elevated platform for instruments. If you need more space, please justify your request and specify your needs.
2) Data handling
Please specify here if you will manually read your irradiance values or connect your pyrheliometer to a computer with data acquisition (DAQ) software. A web interface will be provided for manually operated instruments to type in your readings, while automated DAQ systems (DAQ) can upload the data files to our FTP server. The acceptable file and data format will be defined in due time.
I intend to:
Use an automated DAQ obeying the file and data formatmanually read my irradiance values
I request the use of a netbook from WRC:
Not applicableYes
Please note: This form refers to all instruments and equipment that you are bringing to Davos! We will waive the import permit this time. The goods must be imported with a commercial invoice or CARNET ATA. Kindly provide the correct address and our customs account as follows:
Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium (PMOD/WRC) Hochgebirgsklima+ Medizin Dorfstrasse 33 7260 Davos Dorf SWITZERLAND ZAZ account no.: 14864-1
Please ensure to indicate the harmonised tariff code (HS code 9015.8000) to save on customs duties.
I will hand-carry my instruments through Swiss customs.
I will send my instruments by air or surface-freight according to the shipping instructions in the "Shipping" tab of the main menu.
YesNot applicable
If you answered "air or surface-freight", what is the approximate weight and size of your shipment? (e.g., "150 kg, 100 x 100 x 100 cm")
Questions or Comments?