Dr. Tatiana Egorova

Position Scientist, Climate Group
E-Mail tania.egorova@pmodwrc.ch
Telephone +41 81 417 5138


Scientist, Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), Davos, Switzerland


Climate change, Atmospheric chemistry, Numerical methods, Sun-Earth connections, Space Weather


  • September 1987 – June 1993 Studies of meteorology at the Russian State Hydrometeorological Institute, Department of Meteorology, St.-Petersburg, Russia with Diploma in Meteorology
  • January 2002- December 2004 PhD student at the Institute for Atmospheric  and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland with  Ph.D. in Natural Sciences (January 2005)

Egorova, T., Schmutz, W., Rozanov, E., Shapiro, A.I., Usoskin, I., Beer, J., Tagirov, R.V.,  and T. Peter. Revised historical solar irradiance forcing.  A&A 615, A85 (2018), doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201731199.

Egorova, T., Rozanov, E., Arsenovic, P., Peter, T., and Schmutz, W. (2018) Contributions of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing Agents to the Early 20th Century Warming. Front. Earth Sci. 6:206. doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00206

Egorova, T., Rozanov, E., Gröbner, J., Hauser, M., Schmutz, W. Montreal Protocol benefits simulated with CCM SOCOL. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13 (7), pp. 3811-3823, 2013, doi: 10.5194/acp-13-3811-2013.

Egorova T., E. Rozanov, V. Zubov, E. Manzini, W. Schmutz, and T. Peter, Chemistry-Climate Model SOCOL: a validation of the present-day climatology, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1557-1576, 2005.

Egorova, T., E. Rozanov, E. Manzini, M. Haberreiter, W. Schmutz, V. Zubov, and T. Peter, Chemical and dynamical response to the 11-year variability of the solar irradiance simulated with a chemistry-climate model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(6), pp. L06119 1-4, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003GL019294.

Egorova T.A., E.V. Rozanov, V.A. Zubov, and I.L. Karol’, Model for Investigating Ozone Trends (MEZON). Izvestia – Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 39(3), pp. 277-292, 2003.

Egorova, T. A., E. V. Rozanov, M. E. Schlesinger, N. G. Andronova, S. L. Malyshev, V. A. Zubov, and I. L. Karol, Assessment of the Effect of the Montreal Protocol on Atmospheric Ozone, Geoph. Res. Lett., 28 (12), pp. 2389-2392, 2001, doi: 10.1029/2000GL012523.