The Global Atmosphere Watch Precision Filter Radiometer (GAW-PFR) Network is an international network of PFRs to measure aerosol optical depth (AOD) at GAW baseline stations. WORCC (WOrld Research and Calibration Center ) of PMOD/WRC provides calibration services, though the WMO AOD reference (PFR-TRIAD), and has developed quality assurance procedures to produce high quality AOD data.

The aim of this website is to :

  • Provide a real time observation portal of the GAW-PFR Network and key measurement sites for the homogenization and traceability activities of WORCC PMOD/WRC (e.g. ACTRIS).
  • Provide a database that which includes information of the full data processing chain: raw signals, processed data (AOD, AE, transmittance), calibration history, uncertainty budget as well as metadata including site and instrument information.
  • Guidelines for PFR operators.

This website has been developed with the framework of the project “Aerosol Optical Depth data Web Interface for data communication to scientists and the public (GAWaodIDC)”. The project is funded through MeteoSwiss, in the frame of the Swiss contributions to the Global Climate Observing System GCOS. The GCOS-program is an initiative of the World Meteorology Organization WMO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Program UNEP and the International Council of Scientific Unions ICSU.


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