The PMOD/WRC Instrument, DARA, was successfully launched into Space on 5 Dec. 2024 onboard the ESA Proba-3 mission.
Research in Focus
Research topics at PMOD/WRC focus on solar physics, climate modelling, and irradiance measurements in Space and on Earth.
Radiometers for Space Applications
The PMOD/WRC develops and constructs radiometers for space and ground-based applications.
Precision made in Davos
We conduct research over a wide range of topics from the international standardisation of irradiance measurements to the manufacture of Space radiometers.
World-Wide Calibration Standards
PMOD/WRC operates the World Radiation Center, which helps ensure world-wide irradiance calibration standards.
International Comparisons
Regular international comparisons are held at the PMOD/WRC to ensure the worldwide homogeneity of radiometers.