
    (*required fields)

    Name of Institution/Company/Independent*


    Contact person

    Last name*

    First name*

    Email address*

    Attendance during the FRC Comparison

    I will attend and operate my instrument(s)I will attend but request that PMOD/WRC or others operate my instrument(s)I will not attend, and request that PMOD/WRC or others operate my instrument(s)I do not know yet

    Sun Photometer Details (NOTE: Please fill in a separate form for each instrument)

    Instrument type

    Filter radiometerSpectroradiometer

    Instrument manufacturer (e.g., CIMEL, PMOD/WRC, etc)

    Instrument serial number

    Is your instrument part of an international AOD network?

    AERONETSKYNETGAW-PFROtherNot applicable

    Is your instrument part of a national network? (Please give "Network/country", or "not applicable")

    Data Acquisition (DAQ) System to be used during the FRC

    PMOD/WRC DAQOwn Campbell DAQIn-built DAQOther DAQ

    PC Communication (if you decide not to use the PMOD/WRC DAQ, what is your preferred PC communication method?)

    Not applicableSerialEthernet-DHPEthernet-Static IP

    Solar Tracker (Please bring your tracker as space is limited on PMOD/WRC trackers)

    K&ZEKOINTRA-OWELOtherNot applicablePMOD/WRC tracker

    Time resolution (e.g. 1 min, random, etc)

    Questions or Comments?