Measurements performed at PMOD/WRC

Several solar irradiance measurements are continuously performed at Davos. Since 1993 UV broadband radiometers are installed around the institute at 1610 m a.s.l. (see picture below, left). The horizon is free down to about 70 deg where the mountains are limiting the view (see picture at bottom of page). In addition, PMOD/WRC also equipped a UV research station in the observation and investigation field of the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF),which is located at the vicinity of the Weissfluhjoch (WFJ) at 2540 m a.s.l. (see pictures below).

These instruments measure erythemally (UV-E) and UV-A weighted global solar irradiance. At WFJ also reflected UV-E and UV-A, SW and upwelling LW radiation is recorded for albedo investigations.

Both stations are additionally equipped with direct, diffuse and global solar (shortwave, SW) instruments.

In 2007 a triad of broadband radiometers has been installed on the roof of PMOD/WRC measuring erythemally weighted solar irradiance (see pictures below). The triad consists of the three major types of broadband radiometers: Kipp & Zonen UV radiometer, SL501 radiometer from Solar Light and UVB-1 radiometer from Yankee Environmental Inc. (YES). Two additional SL501 radiometers record erythemally weighted solar irradiance.

PMOD/WRC takes part in the UV-Network of Austrian, Bavaria and Graubünden operated by the Medizinische Universität Innsbruck ( and of Switzerland operated by MeteoSwiss (

A double monochromator Brewer spectrophotometer continuously measures spectral solar irradiance from 285 to 365 nm and the total ozone column over Davos.

The last picture shows the narrowband UVPFR. The instrument has four channels, three in the UV-B range with center wavelengths at 303, 310 and 319 nm and one channel in the UV-A range at 340 nm. The data is used to derive the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere.


The horizon of the roof platform

Instrument Locations:

PMOD (roof platform):

  • latitude: N 46.80y
  • longitude: E 9.83
  • altitude: 1610 m a.s.l

PMOD UVB-Direct Biometer (front terrace) maintained by MeteoSwiss:

  • latitude: N 46.80
  • longitude: E 9.83
  • altitude: 1590 m a.s.l

Weissfluhjoch (SLF testfield)

  • latitude: N 46.83
  • longitude: E 9.82
  • altitude: 2540 m a.s.l


S.N. Measurement ID
K&Z 560 davcr7C01
YES 010938 davcr7C02
SL 1492 davcr7C03
SL 1493 davcr7C04
SL 3860 davcr7C05
SL 2475 davcr7W06
 SL 3864 wfjuvbglo
SL 3865 wfjuvbref
SL 2876 wfjuvaglo
SL 2877 wfjuvaref
K&Z 080038 davvisdir
K&Z CM22 020059 davvisW01 (dif)
PSP 20655F3 davvisW02 (dif)
B&W 33385F3 davvisW03 (dif)
K&Z CM21 930143 davvisW04 (dif)
Hukseflux SR25 2517 davvisW05 (dif)
K&Z CM21 920090 davvisW06 (glo)