LATITUDE=  43.935° N


LALTITUDE: 680.0 m

OHP is situated in southeast France on a plateau at 650m altitude, near the village of St. Michel l’Observatoire, Alpes de Haute-Provence (southern French pre-Alps) at +440 latitude and 5.70 East longitude. It is located 90 km East of Avignon and 100 km North of Marseille and the nearest towns are Forcalquier (12 km) and Manosque (17 km). A schematic road map shows the main highways leading to OHP.

Time  series  of monthly  (large dots) and  daily (small dots) median values of AOD  at 368 nm,  412 nm, 500 nm, 862 nm (top  panel) and Angstrom exponent (AE) (middle).  Intraannual  course  of AOD   (bottom panel).

Distribution  of  AOD daily  mean (light  blue area) and  single  measurements (gray area) of the time  series  of the station.

AE as a function  of  AOD at  500 nm (monthly  mean values) for  the time series.

Trend  analysis results  for the  AOD and  AE  time  series  based  on the non-parametric seasonal Mann–Kendall statistical test.