Aerosol Optical depth data Web Interface for data communication to scientists and the public (GAWaodIDC)

The GAW-PFR network is an Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) network operated by PMOD/WRC and supported by WMO-GAW and MeteoSwiss. The proposed project GAWaodIDC is aiming to report enhanced information on the processing chain and metadata for all GAW-PFR stations.

This will be achieved through the development of a website that provides new and complete AOD information, at one place (one-stop-shop), together with the full processing chain and meta-data, in accordance with the GCOS Switzerland strategic priorities 1.5 and 1.6.

The interface will also be a web tool, including aerosol related applications for different users (scientists, local operators, public).

For further information please contact: Dr. Stelios Kazadzis